I’m still digesting the many literary aspects topsy…

I’m still digesting the many literary aspects, topsy-turvy events, exposition of emotions, and the author’s sly way of revealing the characters’ past histories in book 68. The book is surely a feat: highly inventive and richly layered. I did not, however, have a strong emotional attachment to the story. Mildly curious and expectant of horrific events (as how it is described on the jacket flap) were my most prominent feelings to the book. The story never got really scary which to me is somewhat disappointing. And as the story progressed, I started missing the strong sense of melancholy and darkness the story started with – since it became more of an adventure, survival, friendship, and redemption story than the potential tale I imagined in my head: out-of-the-box macabre with elevated philosophical revelations. Perhaps I expected too much.


August 7, 2012 · 4:56 pm

5 responses to “I’m still digesting the many literary aspects topsy…

  1. Hm…if it is the book I’m thinking of I don’t see any mention of “horrific events” on the flap.


    • fairrosa

      I didn’t use the words directly from the flap… simply meant that the descriptive words made it sound like there could be some horrific events… (and perhaps from some readers’ reactions to the book — that it’s scary or highly unsettling.) Anyway, I stand by my assessment that the mood of the book switches mid-stream and it went from the nightmarish darkness to more Dickensian survival tale. Is that fair?


  2. I found that both themes move through the book pretty consistently. Let’s talk more about this when we are both back. Too hard to do without being specific!


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